
■翻訳家O氏:翻訳ソフトの登場によりますます環境は快適になりつつあるが訳出不可の部分は人間が考え訳出していかなければならない。 ソフトの技術力の向上に伴い我々の語学力も向上していかなければならないだろう。
This week, I’d like to write about a word that everyone knows very well: “should”. However, most people only know one meaning for this word. Most people don’t realize that it has another meaning which is commonly used. So, let me go over the two meanings:
1. it is used to give advice to people and to say that something is a good idea, but that they have a choice about whether or not to do it. (If there is no choice, we use “have to” or “must”.)
2. the word “should” can also be used when we have an expectation that something will happen, but which is not guaranteed.