
■翻訳家U氏:韓国語翻訳に関しては、自動翻訳ツールにより単価が下がる、自動翻訳でも構わないという考えを持つクライアントの増加、 韓流ブームにより翻訳業界に入ってくる駆け出し翻訳家の増加により状況は大変厳しいと思っております。
このような状況で生き残るには、医療、特許など多分野に対応できる知識を付ける必要があると考えています。また、他言語翻訳(具体的には英語、タイ語)の学習を進めて、 韓国語翻訳だけに頼らないようにすべきだと考えております。
Today I’d like to go over another verb which has other meanings that many people don’t know about; the verb is “work”.
Of course, everyone knows the primary meaning which is to do a job. However, we can also use it when trying to arrange a time to meet someone. For example:
I’d like to get together with you at 4:00 tomorrow. Does that work for you?
I’m afraid having the meeting at 11:00 doesn’t work for me. I have another appointment then.
We can also use it to talk about the functioning of a machine. For example:
Is your cell phone working? I tried mine, but I can’t get a signal.
I don’t know what happened. I was driving my car down the street when it suddenly stopped working.
Another way to use this verb is when talking about the effectiveness of something. For example:
I tried my friend’s cure for hiccups, and it worked.
The ad we placed in the newspaper is working well. We’ve gotten many new customers from it.