
■翻訳家S氏:翻訳業界に対する具体的な知識はありませんが、国際化に伴い翻訳そのものに関する需要は高まる反面、語学に堪能な人が大勢いること、 また景気悪化により競争はますます激しくなってくると思われ、心のこもった翻訳を通じて差別化を図る努力が大変要求されると思います
Today, I would like to write about the word “carry”. It has a several uses, so I’ll go over the most commonly used meanings.
1. for a person to hold something while they are moving. For example:
Would you like me to help you carry your suitcases to the car?
My backpack is full of books. It’s really heavy, but I have to carry it around all day.
2. for someone’s words to express an indirect message. For example:
When someone speaks and their voice goes down, it usually carries the meaning that they don’t like the situation.
The company president’s words in his speech carried the threat of layoffs.
3. to be pregnant with a baby. For example:
My sister carried her baby for almost 10 months before it was born.
The doctor just told my wife and me that she’s carrying twins!
4. to propel something over a distance. For example:
The wind blew my hat off and carried it several meters.
The tide carried the toy boat out into the open sea.
5. for a store to offer some products for sale. For example:
Do you carry Time magazine at this bookstore?
I’m very sorry, but we don’t carry products from ABC Company at this store.
6. for a product to have something included with it. For example:
This computer carries a two-year warranty.
All our products carry a money-back guarantee.
7. for the media to run a news story. For example:
The ABC Newspaper carried a story this morning about a man who tried to kill his wife.
The scandal about the president’s illegal activities was carried by all the newspapers as well as all the radio and TV stations. (passive voice)
There are a few other ways we can use the word “carry”, but I think the meanings I’ve explained above are the most useful for people for conversational English.