
■翻訳家H氏:翻訳そのものの需要はますます増えていく。インターネット普及、多数の翻訳者がオンラインで登録や受注できるようになったので、顧客側は、ますます高品質の翻訳をより安価で早く入手できる。 よって顧客は増える。翻訳者(会社・個人)側も、ネットの普及で翻訳がしやすくなったので、今後も増える。コストダウンと競争率アップにより、一定以上のレベルがないと経営しにくく、上と下の格差がより広がる。 また機械翻訳も大きくレベルアップする。つまり翻訳市場全体は大きくなっていく。以上のように予想します。
Today I have a verb for you which is very useful; it’s the word “deserve”.
It is used when we want to say that a person should get something. It can be used in positive ways or negative ways.
So, a good person should get positive things = a good person deserves good things;
a bad person should get negative things = a bad person deserves bad things.
However, life is often unfair, so sometimes good people get bad things even though they shouldn’t get them = good people
sometimes get bad things, but they don’t deserve them. Bad people sometimes get good things that they shouldn’t get = bad people sometimes
get good things that they don’t deserve.
Let me give you some specific examples:
I’m really happy for my co-worker! He just got a promotion. He works really hard, and he really deserves it!
My mother is such a wonderful woman. She really deserves to be happy!
That man killed many people. He deserves to be put in prison for a long time!
My friend’s husband just left her for a younger woman. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. She was a loyal wife to him for a long time!
I think Jane was one of the best dancers in the competition, but she came in fifth place. She didn’t deserve such a low score!