
■翻訳家S氏:いずれ機械翻訳が主流になるでしょうが、いまのところはまだまだですね。ドラソスなどでも品質的に問題が多いためまだ完成度が低いと考えます。 今現在『人間翻訳』がベストでしょう。
The word “bug” in English is commonly used in casual conversations. It can be used as a noun and as a verb.
As a noun, it’s a more casual word for “insect”. For example:
So many bugs get into my house in the summer. I really hate them!
Some kind of bug bit me, and now I have a mark on my skin.
As a verb, it has the same meaning as to “bother” someone. For example:
I hope I’m not bugging you, but I really need your help with my project.
What’s bugging Jennifer? She’s in a really bad mood today.
It really bugs me when people cut in line or spit on the street.
As I mentioned already, this word is used in casual conversations.
If you want to sound more formal, you should use “insect” or “bother”.