
■翻訳家M氏:インターネットによる情報の氾濫により、調べものが簡単にできるようになったが、 視野の狭い翻訳者はインターネットの情報を鵜呑みにし安易な翻訳をしてしまう。 インターネットの情報は必ずしも正確とは限らない。従って、インターネットを駆使するだけでなく 専門書を読み知識を蓄積し、氾濫する情報の正誤を見分ける見識が必要になる。 今後の翻訳業界は紙媒体で勉強し専門性を持っている翻訳者と努力しない翻訳者が乱立することになるのではないかと思う。 危惧すべきは、翻訳者全体の質の低下である。
Most people know the first meaning of today’s grammatical word: “chemistry”.
It is, of course, one of the branches of science. Personally, I hated chemistry in high school. It was so difficult for me.
However, there is a second meaning to this word that many people don’t know.
It can also be used to talk about a quality that two (or more) people have together that makes them have a good relationship. For example:
I didn’t want to continue dating Steven because there was no chemistry between us.
I met my wife at a party about three years ago. I could feel the chemistry between us from the first moment we met.
The two stars in that romantic comedy have great chemistry together, so the movie is a lot of fun to watch.
That TV show doesn’t work well because there’s no chemistry between the actors.
Although we can use this word to talk about the relationship between anyone, we usually use it to talk about romantic relationships.
However, when talking about a TV show or a movie, it can be used to talk about the stars of the production and, in those cases,
it doesn’t matter if it’s a romantic relationship or not.