
Today I want to write about the verb “head”. Most people know the word “head” as a noun, but we can also use it as a verb.
We can use it as a verb in three ways:
1. to go somewhere. For example:
I’m going to head home now. Is there anything you need from me before I leave?
If you want to go to Brentwood, take the train heading west, not east.
A: Where are you headed?
B: I’m headed to Chicago. Can I give you a ride?
2. to be the leader of something. For example:
I’ve chosen James to head the project, so you will all report to him.
There was a revolution in that country, so we don’t yet know who will head the next government.
One day, I would like to head my own company. It’s always been my dream.
3. to be in the lead position of something. For example:
My wife and I haven’t decided on a place to go on our vacation yet, but Spain is heading the list right now.
We’re in the middle of an election now. All the votes haven’t been counted yet, but so far, David Miller is heading the race.
The doctors aren’t sure what’s wrong with me, but they said that cancer is heading the list of possibilities.
With the first meaning of “head”, we can use it about a person or with a kind of public transportation like a train.
With the third meaning, we often use “head” to talk about what’s at the top of a list.