
As you probably know, the verb “get” in English has many meanings and uses.
I would like to go over some of them today. Since there are so many ways to use it, I will continue writing about “get” next Monday as well.
Let me go over some of the ways to use it for you:
1. to receive something. For example:
I got a new bike for my birthday. My parents gave it to me! I’m so happy!
My friend got a big promotion at work. I have to call and congratulate him.
2. to give something to someone. For example:
I’m going to get my wife some flowers for our anniversary.
My mother got me a really nice sweater for my birthday.
3. to go and obtain something by buying or borrowing it. For example:
I’m going to get some food at the supermarket. Do you need anything?
Paul said I could borrow his CD player, so I’m going to go and get it now.
4. to obtain something after requesting it from a person of higher status. For example:
I got permission from my parents to go to the concert.
I got the day off on Friday from my boss, so we can leave early for our camping trip.
5. to arrive at a destination. For example:
I always get to work before 9:00 a.m. every morning.
What time did you get home last night?
These are the first five ways we commonly use the word “get”. As I mentioned before, I will continue with this next week.
I know that it can be confusing when we use one word in so many different ways.
My advice is to memorize the sentences that I’ve given you and then change the small details.
That should make it easier for you to use them properly without becoming confused.