
■翻訳家N氏:インターネット環境の普及、技術の発展により機械翻訳の精度も上がりつつあり、利用者も増えている。 翻訳者は、人為的ミスをなくし、人間の頭脳が機械に負けることのないよう、常に言語感覚を磨く必要があり、 また、翻訳業界は激しい価格競争がさらに厳しくなることが予想されるが、安易な翻訳単価の引き下げは、翻訳の質を下げることにつながり、 人による翻訳のメリットを薄れさせることにつながるため、人の頭脳でしか行えない、質の高い翻訳を心がける必要があると思います。
Today, I want to continue with the verb “get”, and write about more of its many meanings.
6. to reach someone on the telephone. for example:
I can’t get Mr. Lawrence on the phone right now because he’s in a meeting.
I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to get Jack on the phone until Monday. He’s on vacation right now.
7. to understand something. For example:
My friend told a joke today. Everyone else laughed, but I didn’t get it.
A: So, that’s what you need to do to operate this machine. Do you understand?
B: Yes, I got it.
8. to catch a minor illness such as a cold or the flu. For example:
I got a cold yesterday, so I’m not going to work today.
Many people are getting the flu these days. I hope I don’t get it too.
9. to retrieve something for another person. For example:
Can you get my sweater for me? It’s in the bedroom.
My son forgot his backpack at school, so I have to go and get it now.
10. to receive a punishment in a court of law. For example:
The man who killed his wife got the death penalty.
My neighbor was selling drugs. He got one year in prison for it.
As I mentioned last week, I think the best way to learn words such as “get” is to focus on the sentences.
You should memorize the full sentence and then change the small details. In this way, you can learn how to speak naturally.
Next week, I’ll continue with more ways to use “get”.