
■翻訳家N氏:残念ながら、コンピュータの翻訳能力が格段に向上する数十年後には翻訳者の需要はなくなると思います。 しかしコンピュータの翻訳能力が翻訳者の翻訳能力にまだまだ及ばない現在において、翻訳者は読み手を思いやった分かり易い翻訳を続け、コンピュータ翻訳との絶対的な差別化を図っていかなくてはなりません。 逆に言えば、コンピュータでも出来るような直訳は絶対にしてはならないと思います。
Today, I want to continue with the verb “make”, and write about more of its many meanings.
6. to get new friends. For example:
I want to make some new friends.
My sister is very shy, so she finds it difficult to make friends.
7. to score a point in a sports game. For example:
Jim Peterson just made an amazing goal! Did you see it?
The Dallas Cowboys need to make this touchdown in order to win the game.
8. to reach a decision. For example:
I’ve made the decision to quit my job and go back to school.
Which restaurant shall we go to? I’m really hungry, so can we please make a decision now?
9. to choose a certain person or place for a specific role. For example:
The executives at the company decided to make Gordon the new vice president.
I’ve decided to make Toronto my new home.
10. to cause a person to have a certain feeling. For example:
Doing presentations in front of many people makes me nervous.
A: What makes you happy?
B: Spending time with my friends makes me happy.
11. to achieve a previously set goal. For example:
I don’t think we’ll make the deadline for this project.
Most of the sales people made their quotas last month, but I didn’t.
12. to cause something to happen. For example:
The company’s decision to cut salaries made many people quit.
Loud noise makes the baby cry.
My advice, as always, is to memorize the example sentences and then change the small details to make new sentences.