
This week I’d like to continue writing about the various uses of the verb “take”.
6. to sit down. For example:
Please take a seat and we’ll get started.
As soon as I took my seat, the play started.
7. to bring someone to a place. For example:
I’m going to take my friend to the museum to see the new exhibition.
My children want me to take them to Disneyland this weekend.
8. to react to a piece of news. For example:
How did Doug take it when you told him he was fired?
Sarah didn’t take it well when I told her I wanted to break up with her.
9. to measure someone’s temperature. For example:
My mother took my temperature this morning and said that I have a fever.
The nurse will take your temperature before the doctor sees you.
10. to require time in order to accomplish something. For example:
It takes time to get over a broken heart. You’ll feel better in a few months.
The project took more time than we had anticipated.
So these are another five ways in which we can use this verb. I’ll continue with “take” in next week’s entry for grammatical words.