
■翻訳家O氏:存続が必要ではあるが、コスト勝負となり、淘汰される可能性もある。 品質よく、早く、安く、且つ利益が出るようなシステムを構築し、末端翻訳者、顧客共々喜ばれなければ生き残れない。
This week I’d like to continue writing about the various uses of the verb “take”.
11. for one person to receive praise for work done by others (used with the word “credit”). For example:
Everyone in our department worked really hard on this project, but our boss took credit for it.
Bill is always taking credit for my ideas at work! I hate him!
12. to accept a credit card. For example:
Do you take Visa at this store?
We take all major credit cards at this hotel.
13. to accept a job or position. For example:
ABC Company offered me a job, and I’ve decided to take it.
I took the first job that was offered to me, and now I really regret it. I should have waited longer.
14. to support someone in an argument or debate (used with the word “side”). For example:
Whenever I have a disagreement with Jack, the boss always takes his side. It’s not fair!
I’m not getting involved with this argument. I’m not going to take anyone’s side.
15. to use public transportation to go somewhere. For example:
I’m going to take the train to Osaka tomorrow.
I took the bus downtown because my car is being repaired right now.
So these are another five ways in which we can use this verb. I’ll continue with “take” in next week’s entry for grammatical words.