
■翻訳家M氏:物流とITの発展により、今後グローバル化はますます進むと予想されます。 それに伴い、翻訳の需要も増えていくと予想されますが、ITの発展による機械翻訳の精度が上がることにより、翻訳者の仕事がなくなるのではないかと心配もしております。
This week I’d like to continue writing about the various uses of the verb “take”.
16. to turn left or right. For example:
When you get to the convenience store, take a left.
Just go down this street and take the third right. The museum will be on the left.
17. to photograph something or someone with a camera. For example:
My cousin loves to take photographs of birds. It’s his hobby.
Can you take a picture of me with my girlfriend?
18. to cheat someone out of something. For example:
The salesman in that used furniture store took me for $50 last month. He overcharged me for my sofa.
I was really taken by the salesman in that store last month. (passive voice)
19. to require a certain thing in order to do something. For example:
It takes a lot of courage to perform on stage. I could never do it.
It takes a lot of money to play hockey because the equipment is very expensive.
20. to tolerate a bad situation. For example:
My sister’s husband treats her very badly. I don’t know why she takes it from him.
I’ve been putting up with my terrible job for a long time now, but I can’t take it anymore. I’m going to quit!
21. to study something at a school. For example:
I’m taking a French class right now. It’s hard, but it’s really interesting.
I took a course in graphic design last year. I really enjoyed it.
There are a few more ways to use the word “take”, but I think these are the main ones.