
■翻訳家K氏:私が一番詳しい法律分野では、法律文書として正しいものと翻訳として正しいものとの間に少し違いがあるような気がします。 将来的には、それぞれの分野をよく知っている専門家が、それぞれの分野で活躍するというように翻訳の専門化がさらに進んで行くと思います。
Today, I’d like to write about the word “pretty”, but not the adjective.
This way of using “pretty” is put in front of other adjectives or adverbs, as in “pretty good” or “pretty quickly”.
Many of my students think this is the same as “very”, but it’s not.
The word “pretty” indicates that something is slightly weaker than the regular adjective or adverb.
Therefore, the scale is: very good -> good -> pretty good. Let me give you some examples:
The movie was pretty good, but it could have been better.
A: Can you run fast?
B: Well, I can run pretty fast, although I was much faster when I was younger.
The color my wife chose to paint our house is pretty nice, but I would have preferred a darker color.
A: Is living downtown expensive?
B: Well, it can be pretty expensive, but some things don’t cost so much.
When we use “pretty” in this way, we usually stress “pretty” with our voices.