
■翻訳家S氏:今後は益々精度の高い自動翻訳システムが増えると思いますが、細かなニュアンスなどは人の手が引き続き必要となると思う。 英語が公用語でない日本では、今後も日英翻訳が必要となると思います。
Today I’m going to write about the noun “eyesore”. We use this when we want to talk about something that is on display that we think is very ugly.
Here are some ways to use it in sentences.
I hate the statue in front of my apartment building! It’s such an eyesore!
My neighbors put a big windmill on their front lawn to generate electricity. It’s a good idea, but the thing is a real eyesore.
I want to put a home gym in my apartment, but my wife won’t let me. She says it’ll be an eyesore.
I can’t believe the museum paid $1,000,000 for that eyesore of a painting! What a waste of money!
In all of these cases, the thing (the statue, the windmill, the home gym, the painting) is considered very ugly by the person.
However, that is just their opinion; another person might disagree.
When we talk about an “eyesore”, it can be about something on display either in a private home, in a public building or outside.