
■翻訳家S氏:世界範囲の交流がますます広がっていく中、翻訳の需要も増えてくることでしょう。そんななか、愚見では、翻訳業界は2極化に分かれていくのではないでしょうか。 1極としては、機械化に特化して、テンプレート式の翻訳+人工の修正が中心となるのでしょう。 もう1極としては、機械ではなかなか無理な専門分野や文章力の要求が高い分野の翻訳が中心となるのでしょう。
Today’s adjective is “reliable”, and it is used in three different ways:
1. to talk about people who do what they say they are going to do. For example:
Brenda said she’d write the report for the client, but she still hasn’t done it yet. She’s really not reliable.
I’ve worked with Todd many times, and he’s a very reliable person. I think you should hire him.
2. to talk about machines that usually work very well and don’t break down. For example:
I want to buy a Mac computer because they’re supposed to be more reliable.
I want to buy a new car. I’m going to be driving a lot, so I need something that is very reliable.
3. to talk about information which is accurate. For example:
I hope the information in this article is reliable. I need to use it when I write my report.
You shouldn’t do research using the Internet because often the information online isn’t reliable.
When we want to say something or someone is not reliable, we can use the word “unreliable”.
We can use both “not reliable” and “unreliable” but, generally speaking, it’s a little more casual to use “not” and then the adjective.