As most people know, "try" means to attempt to do something. However, when we use it in the past tense, it can have two different meanings. If we follow the word “tried” with an infinitive (to + base form of a verb), it means that we failed to do something that we were attempting to do. However, if we follow it with a gerund (-ing form of a verb), it means that we successfully did the thing we were attempting but that the result was not what we wanted.
Some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or the gerund forms of other verbs with no change in meaning. For example, this is the case with words like “like”, “love”, “don’t like” and “hate”. However, other verbs can only take one form or the other, but not both. This is the case with the verb “enjoy”. We can say, “I enjoy exercising.”, but we CANNOT say, “I enjoy to exercise.”